Welcome to the International Congress of Transport Safety!
November 11-12, 2019, an International Congress of Transport Safety will take place in Ukraine. A large-scale event will become a platform for the synthesis and development of advanced world-wide experience in the field of transport safety.
Representatives of state authorities of Ukraine, domestic and foreign companies, public organizations are invited to participate in the Congress.
The main purpose of the Congress is a broad discussion on the development of a progressive transport security policy in Ukraine and in the world, sharing of experience in implementing successful strategies and programs for improving safety in the transport sector.
We invite international organizations who are working in the field of transport safety to take part in the International Congress!
Place and time:
November 11-12, 2019, beginning at 10.00 a.m.
Kyiv, 14 Khreshchatyk Street, Khreshchatyk Hotel, Grand Hall.
Registration of participants till November 06, 2019!
Registration form
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For organizational questions, please, contact + 38 068-466-43-82 or by e-mail congressoftransportsafety@gmail.com
For reservations in hotel, please, contact +38 044-596-80-00 or by e-mail reservation@hotel-khreschatyk.kiev.ua[:]