Attention media! November 15 – a press conference on the occasion of the beginning of the Road Safety Week in Ukraine

Attention media! November 15 – a press conference on the occasion of the beginning of the Road Safety Week in Ukraine.

On November 15, 2021, Ukrinform news agency will hold a press conference on the occasion of the beginning of the Road Safety Week in Ukraine. The participants of the press conference will talk on the situation with road safety in Ukraine, the work carried out to reduce road accidents, the implementation of the state program to improve road safety until 2024, the national project «Safe Country», as well as measures to be taken under:
  • Vira Rohova, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine;
  • Oleksiy Biloshitsky, First Deputy Chief of the Patrol Police Department of Ukraine;
  • Ihor Didenko, Adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;
  • Serhiy Aleksandrov, Acting Deputy Director of the Department, Head of the Transport Safety Department of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine;
  • Mykita LahuninDeputy Head of the State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety;
  • Lyudmyla Biloshitska, Deputy General Director of the Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine.
  • Yuriy Chornyi, President of the ICF «Assistance to Victims of Road Accidents».
The press conference will take place on November 15 at IA UKRINFORM(Kyiv, 8/16 B. Khmelnytskiy Street).

Start at 11.00 am.

Online broadcast  on the agency’s website: and on the Ukrinform YouTube channel.

ICF «Assistance to Victims of Road Accidents» is the main partner and co- organizer of the annual road safety weeks in Ukraine. As part of the implementation of the national project «Safe Country», the Foundation will hold a number of events during the Week, in particular, together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the traditional annual lesson on road safety in secondary schools, summing up the annual all-Ukraine youth competition of photo and video works «Safe Country». The Foundation will also join a round table in the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on improving the safety of children and youth on the roads. As every year, Ukraine will host a nationwide charity event initiated by the Foundation to donate blood for the victims of accidents «Give Blood to Save Lives» .

The full list of events of the Week can be viewed on our website in the section RSW Week.

Detailed information on the activities of the Week by phone: 068-466-43-82.

For references

Road Safety Weeks in Ukraine, which are held twice a year, are one of the largest information and educational platforms to draw public attention to the problems of road traffic injuries in the country. The weeks are aimed at consolidating the efforts of government agencies, departments, structures, the interested public and the media to work out joint solutions and solve this problem.

According to the WHO, road traffic injuries are one of the world’s biggest health problems. More than a thousand people are injured every day. The risk of dying in road accidents varies from country to country, but 70% are in low- and middle-income countries.

Every year, according to various statistics, Ukraine loses more than 3,000 of citizens in road accidents, more than 30,000 are injured. In ten months of 2021, according to the Patrol Police, there were 154,480 accidents on Ukrainian roads, which is almost 14% more than last year. However, there is a decrease in the level of victims and injured. During this period, 2,592 people died in Ukraine (8.8% less), 24,905 – were injured (6.8% less). Also during this period in Ukraine there were 3,182 accidents involving children, in which 157 children died and 3,591 were injured. The main causes of accidents with fatalities and injuries: exceeding the safe and established speed; violation of maneuvering rules; violation of traffic rules at intersections; violation of the rules of pedestrian crossings; non-compliance with the distance.