Happy Ukrainian Statehood Day!

The history of our country is intertwined with thousand-year stages of formation and establishment of the Ukrainian Statehood. From ancient times our nation has been striving for independence, freedom, rights and the will to determine its own future.

Today we once again have to defend our land, country and home. In this fierce struggle against the occupier, who encroached on our shrines, on our statehood, the Ukrainian people demonstrate resilience and sacrifice, greatness of spirit for the sake of future, for the sake of the existence of our statehood, our nation.

Unity and cohesion are our strength, which can strengthen our country, defeat the enemy and build a bright, free future of Ukraine.

The Day of Ukrainian Statehood is a holiday that once again reminds us of the most valuable achievement of the Ukrainian nation – the achievement of statehood, which we need to preserve and increase.

May this day be full of pride for the country and love for its people. I wish for all of us a speedy victory and restoration of territorial integrity!

Happy Ukrainian Statehood Day!