Premedical care skills are extremely important and necessary in today’s realities of our lives. The “Course on Organizing the Activities for Teachers on Provision of Premedical Care and Safe Behavior on the Road” aims to develop the professional competencies of educators necessary for partnerships with participants of the educational process (teachers, students, parents) to provide premedical care to victims in emergency conditions and road accidents and to learn the rules of safe behavior on the road. It meets the objectives of the Typical In-Service Training Program “We Know and Act” (30 hours, 1 credit ECTS), approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 64 dated January 21, 2022 for teachers, principals and deputy principals, teacher-organizers, social pedagogues, practical psychologists of general secondary education institutions.
Educational and training program for teachers involves acquiring knowledge through the “We Know and Act” online platform on premedical care and the rules of safe behaviour on the road, as well as methodological tools for organising and conducting events on processing of safety rules on the road. After completing of the training, teachers are tested and receive the appropriate Certificate.
We want to remind you that “We Know and Act” online platform was created in May 2023 as part of the educational activities of the ICF “Assistance to Victims of Road Accidents” together with the Ministry of Education and Science and Kyiv Interregional Branch State Enterprise “Ukrainian Research Institute of Transport Medicine” of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. At the same time, this training program is not limited to the target audience of representatives of educational institutions and can be useful for various professional communities who want to learn premedical skills. It includes three courses aimed at different target groups:
– 1. “Course on organizing the activities for teachers on provision of premedical care and save behavior on the road” (30 hours, 1 credit ECTS);
– “Premedical care in case of massive bleeding (8 hours)»;
– “Premedical care in case of sudden blood circulation stop in adults (8 hours)».
You can get acquainted with the conditions of the training and register in the WE KNOW AND ACT section.
ATTENTION! A charitable donation of UAH 100 is required to complete the course and receive the Certificate.