Children’s behavior on the road and their violation of traffic rules is a complex problem, said Yurii Chornyi, Director of the Kyiv Branch of the State Enterprise “Ukrainian Research Institute of Transport Medicine” of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, President of the ICF “Assistance to Victims of Road Accidents”, on Ukrainian Radio.
Parents should teach and help their children learn the rules of behavior on the road, inspiring them by their own example. Teachers are also obliged to conduct the appropriate work with children, noted Yurii Chornyi.
“Two years ago, the Ministry of Education developed a methodology for professional development of principals and teachers how to teach children the rules of behaviour on the road. Together with the International Charitable Foundation “Assistance to Victims of Road Accident” it has been developed a relevant methodological guide, which many teachers use when teaching children traffic rules. The ICF website has a lot of useful information for pedestrians, cyclists, and those who ride
monowheels (electric unicycles) and scooters. There is also a YouTube-channel “Безпечна країна” (“Bezpechna kraina”)” with hundreds of videos created by both children and adults, as well as animated videos and various films – this information will help to work with young road users”, emphasized Yurii Chornyi.
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