The significant traffic restriction associated with quarantine measures due to the difficult sanitary and epidemiological situation in Ukraine in March 2020 practically did not improve the condition of road traffic injuries. According to the National Police, in March there were 11 276 road accidents in Ukraine, compared to 12 672 in February of the same year, however, the level of injuries and accident deaths has unfortunately not decreased, and even increased slightly. In March, 231 people died from an accident in Ukraine (in February, for example, 211). Compared to the same period last year, the accident rate increased by more than 10,5%.
According to patrols, the largest number of traffic accidents was pedestrian collisions and attacks. The main reasons for them are invariably speeding, violations of the rules of maneuvering and pedestrian crossings, lack of distance, driving in drunk condition.
March statistics also show a significant increase in the number of serious accidents – 81 road accidents in March, compared to 62 in February.
What is the reason for such a situation on the roads of the country – with a greater possibility to use your own vehicles, free roads where you could sprint, or a tense situation in the country, which had a negative effect on the psyche of drivers, or all that in general – will be clarified by specialists.
It is interesting that during the quarantine period the situation with traffic injuries with the participation of children, who were almost the most restricted in movement and socialization, practically did not change. Thus, in March 2020, there were 223 accidents involving children (for comparison, in January – 251 accidents). During the month, 7 children were killed on the roads of the country (in February – 8, in January – 12). Unfortunately, statistics record has increased in the number of accidents due to the children.
Detailed statistics of road accidents from the beginning of the year and for March in particular you can see in the table: