
Attention! A press conference will be held on May 17 dedicated to the beginning of Road Safety Week. Thus, Ukraine joins the 6th Global Road Safety Week, which will take place around the world on May 17-23, 2021.

Organizers of the Week:  SE “Ukrainian Research Institute of Transport Medicine” of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (Kyiv Interregional Branch), Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, International Charitable Foundation “Assistance to Victims of Road Accidents”, Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine. 

 Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine , The State Agency for Infrastructure Projects of Ukraine, the State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety, the National Police of Ukraine, the Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and others. On the situation with road safety in Ukraine, the work carried out to reduce road accidents, in particular, on plans for the implementation of the State Program to improve road safety until 2024, the national project “Safe Country”, as well as measures which will take place within the framework of the Week.

For reference: Road Safety Week in May opens the Second Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030, approved by UN General Assembly Resolution 74/299 at its 74th session last August, with the ambitious goal of reducing deaths and injuries by 50% by 2030. The world community has launched a number of measures aimed at improving the situation. The 6th Global Road Safety Week will focus on Managing Speeding, one of the main causes of road accidents, and will be held under the slogan # StreetsForLife # Love30, it will focus on speed limits for vehicles up to 30 km / h within residential areas and pedestrian zones in cities.

Дорожньо-транспортний травматизм, за даними ВООЗ, є однією з найбільших світових проблем охорони здоров’я. Травмуються або отримують каліцтва щодня понад тисячі осіб. Ризик загинути внаслідок ДТП різниться в різних країнах, проте 70% припадає на країни з низьким та середнім рівнем доходу. Road traffic injuries, according to the WHO, are one of the world’s biggest health problems. More than a thousand people are injured every day. Mortality rates in our country are 3-4 times higher than in European countries. Every year, according to various statistics, Ukraine loses more than 3,000 of its citizens in road accidents, more than 30,000 are injured. In 2020, there were: 168,107 road accidents on Ukrainian roads, including: 26,140 road accidents – with victims; 3541 people – died (1198 – pedestrians); 31,974 people were injured (pedestrians – 6,959). Also in 2020 there were 4,432 accidents involving children, in which 168 children died and 3,957 were injured. In the 1st quarter of 2021, according to official police data, there were 42,689 road accidents in Ukraine, which is 18% more than in January-March 2020. The main causes of accidents with fatalities and injuries: exceeding the safe and established speed; violation of maneuvering rules; violation of traffic rules at intersections; violation of the rules of pedestrian crossings; non-compliance with the distance.