Educational project on providing the skills of giving premedical assistance #I_can_HELP_you has reached Khmelnytsky region. On April 16, specialists of the ICF “Assistance to victims of accidents” conducted a training for students of the Khmelnitsky Polytechnic College of Lviv Polytechnic National University.
During the class, actions were taken in case of the most widespread accidents occurring in the home or in the workplace: fractures, dislocations, electric shock, ingress of an extraneous body in respiratory organs, drowning, etc., as well as injuries in the case of traffic accidents.
“The purpose of such exercises is extremely important. The timely and correct providing of urgent medical assistance is sometimes worth not only health but also life of a person. With the help of special mannequins and simulators, our specialists teach how to act in a way that really helps, and not to harm, ” said Oleksii Strelbitsky, a representative of the Fund in Khmelnytskyi region.
Students who were quite active did not hide their impressions from the lessons. “This is a very useful event. I personally knew a lot of things only theoretically, but now in case of some extreme situation, I will be sure of myself and I will be able to help », – said student of the college Oleg Savenko.
All participants of the training received certificates.
The project #I_can_HELP_you, organized by the joint efforts of the International Charity Foundation and the Juvenile Police Department, is continuing in Ukraine for the second month. A practical course on the development of skills for providing medical assistance to victims of the accidents is planned to reach more than 2000 teens.