President of the International Charitable Foundation «Assistance to Victims of Road Accidents» Yurii Chornyi participated in the opening All-Ukraine scientific and practical conference «Road safety in conditions of martial law», which was held at Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on May 27, 2022 within the framework of the 1st stage of Road Safety Week in Ukraine.

There were more than a hundred participants – representatives of the scientific community, state and local authorities, international and public organizations, transport safety specialists and postgraduate students of higher education institutions.

In his speech he noted the importance of implementation of social initiatives to prevent road traffic injuries among citizens, thanked everyone for their involvement in the nationwide blood donation action «Give Blood to Save Lives» and also announced the beginning of the annual, this year 5th, All-Ukraine photo and video works competition among children and youth «Safe Country», which aims to draw attention of the younger generation, teachers and the public to the main components of life safety, compliance with rules and norms of safe behavior in society, including observance of traffic rules.

Yurii Chornyi informed that the competition has already started and will continue until October this year. The organizers are accepting works on the following topics:

  • Youth for road safety;
  • Barrier-free educational environment;
  • Life safety we know and act (practical skills of how to behave in case of emergency situations, detection of mine-explosive devices, provision of premedical care to victims);
  • My safe country: the future (free interpretation of your own vision of country’s security and its future).

You can join the competition and download works on the Foundation’s website in the section CONTEST

During the plenary session of the online conference, the following questions were discussed:

  • strengthening control measures for compliance with traffic rules and illegal passenger transportation in road transport;
  • innovations of Service Centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for ensuring road safety;
  • some legal aspects in the field of transportation safety due to martial law;
  • public initiatives to improve traffic safety during the war.