From September 1 to 30, the road safety month “Attention! Children on the road” is traditionally taking place in Ukraine. Within the month the International Charitable Foundation “Assistance to Victims of Road Accidents” presents a new video lesson for pupils “Safe Way to Home: Peculiarities of Cyclist’s Traffic”.


Considering the importance of further promoting the topic of road safety among youth, as well as the numerous positive responses from educators, the Foundation continues the adaption of the manual “Safe Way to Home”, replenishing the methodological base for unified national lessons and extracurricular activities on road safety.


This time, we present to your attention the second part of the manual, dedicated to the peculiarities of cyclist’s traffic. The video “Safe Way to Home: Peculiarities of Cyclist’s Traffic” covers the general concepts and terms that cyclists need to know, their basic rights and obligations.


We remind you that the Foundation has developed methodological manual “Safe Way to Home” with the aim to prepare and conduct high-quality unified lessons on road safety. In 2023, the adaption of the manual was launched. The first part dedicated to the rights and obligations of pedestrians was presented within the 7th Global Road Safety Week in Ukraine during the unified lesson in educational institutions.


In general, the unified national lessons on the basics on road safety are held twice a year in educational institution as part of the Road Safety Weeks at the initiative of the Foundation with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.


In addition, as part of initiatives aimed at promoting compliance with traffic rules and safe behaviour on the roads among youth, as well as creating safe educational environment, the 6th All-Ukrainian photo and video works competition within the project “Safe Country”, organized by the ICF “Assistance to Victims of Road Accidents” jointly with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, was launched in Ukraine in May 2023.


This year’s competition covers the following topics:

  • Youth for road safety – safe behaviour of pedestrians and other road users when using personal bicycle transport and electric vehicle; rules of behavior and barrier-free access to public transport;
  • Life safety we know and act – practical skills of how to behave in case of emergency situations, detection of mine-explosive devices, provision of premedical care to victims;
  • My safe country: the future – free interpretation of your own vision of country’s security and its future – only 1st place, Special prize.


The deadline for applications is October 13, 2023. You can get acquainted with the requirements and the Regulations of the Competition on the Foundation’s website in the Contest section.